Thursday, March 5, 2020

8 Traits that Make Introverts More Successful - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 8 Traits that Make Introverts More Successful - Introvert Whisperer 8 Traits that Make Introverts More Successful It is a perception that excellent communication skills are a road to success. Those who are good at socializing and making connections are likely to achieve their goals in a better way. Such, a prevalent perspective doesn’t bar introverts from achieving big in their lives. In fact, introverts naturally possess specific traits, that make them even surpass the extroverts. Here are the eight traits that increase the chances of introverts to become more successful. 1. Introverts Are Good Observers A keen insight into a situation is very much essential for solving an issue. On an excellent observation one just needs to take time, before making a decision. Introverts, for their ability to not respond immediately, to a situation end up being a reasonable observer. They analyze the facts, separate the fiction from reality, scrutinize the events and then diagnose the right problem. So, a good observation, makes introverts reach out to the cause of a problem in a better way. 2. They Are Good Listeners Socializing is essential to survive in the modern business world. But there is another thing that holds more weight; it is called teamwork. It is a fact that introverts might not be right team players. At the same times, they possess a characteristic which is, in fact, an essence of good teamwork. And, it is about being a right listener. While working in a group, all the team members must value the ideas of fellow mates, for arriving at the best one. For this purpose, the first condition is not to impose one’s thoughts and paying attention to what others have to say. 3. They Are Good Decision Makers This trait is, in fact an outcome of first and second one. After doing an in-depth analysis of the situation and knowing what is going around, Introverts end up making a better decision. They reach a point, acceptable to all the stakeholders. 4. They are super creative Don’t be misled by the fact that creativity is exclusive to writers, thinkers and artists only. Entrepreneurs and business persons also need to think out of the box, for bringing the innovation. Here, again introverts take the lead. Most of the times, they remain silent and overthink. Hence they bring new ideas that can set their business on the road to success. So, being creative makes introverts succeed. 5. They Are Emotionally Intelligent Emotional Intelligence is correlated to career success. As mentioned earlier, introverts dont get overwhelmed by emotions so quickly. They take their time to analyze the situation. Hence, not responding in an immediate and taking time to see what is happening, makes them adjust according to the circumstances. They don’t react quickly to a negative stimulus and stay rigid. Hence, they don’t make a decision that can harm their career in a long run. 6. Introverts Have a Serious Approach to Life In fact, every person who overthinks is likely to take life more seriously. Same is the case with introverts. They don’t waste time by exhibiting a casual attitude towards some phenomenon. In fact, they take a strict approach to remaining committed to whatever is their agenda in life. Such a strong commitment makes them glued to their aim, and they finally make it to what they have set their eyes on. 7. They Are Independent Listening to everyone and valuing the ideas of mates, is necessary. But, at the same times, one should not become influenced by anyone so quickly. There is a need for a certain degree of independence. Introverts are independent in taking actions and making a roadmap of their future activities. Hence, they don’t bother, what others have to say about them. 8. They Love to Do Things For keeping the things going, something more than a mere commitment is required. A level of personal interest is more important than any intrinsic motivation. Introverts, most of the times, do thing they love to do. Hence, they don’t lose interest, enjoy their work and eventually achieve their goals. Author Bio Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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